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2029-Muliner Ave Bronx
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Virtual software for call centers

Create connections for customers from any place

ASDialer's virtual call center software allows your support staff to connect with your support team from anywhere on any channel. You will need a reliable broadband connection and headphones to communicate with your customers to lower the physical setup cost.

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Virtual Software

Imagine what's feasible to develop a business

Easy to use

The virtual call center application provides an intuitive and modern interface. You can speed up training and work in a more cohesive team using simple and straightforward software. The number of agents you can hire worldwide is unlimited, and provide training online to evaluate their efficiency.

More flexible

Increase your company's reach with Dialer360's customizable virtual phone center software. Add new agents or quickly remove any agents using the software's dashboard. Agents are efficient in their work by working on their schedules and not having the stress of completing their tasks while sitting in one location.

Reduce the cost

You can save money on physical infrastructure. Don't invest in phones or equipment, nor train your employees to work in a workplace. You only need an internet connection and headset to communicate with your customer from any location. Agents can answer calls and can also answer customer issues from anywhere.

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Virtual call center management from any place

Virtual Dialer

Connect your agents to monitor your workforce using high-quality AsDialer virtual software for call centers. Stay in contact with your team quickly and collaborate when working remotely. You can keep in touch with your employees by evaluating their performance, providing feedback, and sharing innovative techniques and methods to increase productivity and profits.

AI Dialing Features

Build your business by leveraging amazing features

Monitoring in real-time

Monitor your agent's call in real time. You can see the specific areas in which agents require training. Locate and fix customer problems when they occur.


Call directly using just a single click on the website and connect to your client. Contact leads faster and reduces the chance of making mistakes.

Call to report

You can view data according to the needs related to your business. Analyze the performance to work remotely to monitor their work by interfacing.

IVR (Interactive voice response)

Support your customer by establishing an interoperable voice-response menu that lets them go in the desired direction by pressing their desired number.

Call analytics

Review call metrics, such as call volume, waiting time, average call handling, and so on. Keep track of all these KPIs remotely to enhance agents' performance and efficiency.


The incoming calls should be directed to the appropriate department and provide excellent customer service. Enhance customer service and turn the leads into sales.

Easy to set up

The process of setting up your virtual contact center is simple and doesn't require to purchase of any equipment. An internet connection with a good speed and a pair of headsets is enough to generate sales.


Connect to your sales tool of choice, and then analyze the call history to enhance customer service. Make use of this information to analyze further.

Call Management

Control outbound and inbound calls remotely in an efficient method. Take advantage of the crucial call after business hours; connect anytime, anywhere.

Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better